In the ever-evolving landscape of global politics and economics, certain individuals emerge as prominent figures who wield...
Conspiracy Theory
In the realm of global politics and economics, certain names surface repeatedly, like familiar signposts on the...
Update: June 20, 2023 – A Federal jury has resumed deliberations on the Bundy Ranch Standoff Trial...
Claim 1: There is no evidence of the Trump-Russia Collusion/Scandal Claim 2: There is tons of evidence/proof of...
‘Last Man Standing’ (featuring Tim Allen) was abruptly cancelled in early May 2017. The show had posted...
Summary Alex Jones’ and Info Wars’ support for Donald Trump, and the role of fake news sites...
Claim: Milo Yiannopoulos’ Twitter Ban was a cowardly action. He was unfairly targeted and it’s an infringement...
On September 8th, Natural News reported that Hillary Clinton cheated in her debate with Donald Trump by...
The recent passing of Justice Scalia has led to the surfacing of new memes alluding to a...