Tim Walz, the current Governor of Minnesota, is a prominent political figure known for his extensive public...
2016 Election
In the realm of politics and public figures, details about their lives, including physical attributes, often captivate...
The political landscape in the United States has always been tumultuous, but recent discussions surrounding the possible...
A recent SourceFed video compared Google auto suggest behavior to Google Trend searches to suggest that Google...
Myth: Bernie Sanders has called for a 90% tax rate Fact: Bernie Sanders’ tax plan has been...
While Bernie Sanders is not new to American politics, he was a little-known politician until his run...
Donald Trump has taken the political scene by storm. Originally drawing controversy for his immigration comments where...
Bernard ‘Bernie’ Sanders, a U.S. Senator from Vermont and a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president,...
2016 Election Controversial Donald Trump Donald Trump’s political historical has been full of controversy. From pushing the...
Donald Trump is someone who has used marketing and business knowledge to his advantage. It is almost...